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Sometimes you just need more!



When you need an all-in-one control surface, the Wave2 has it all.

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With a compact design you'd expect a compromise on ergonomics, features and controls. With the Element range, there is no compromise!

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Getting in touch with your software has never been more affordable.

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世外桃源般的边陲小镇,腾冲!来了就不想走! - 马蜂窝 ...:2021-11-28 · 比起丽江、大理,腾冲相对没有那么商业化,人淳朴景色美,是个如同世外桃源般的边陲小镇。火山、热海、和顺、北海为腾冲最经典、最出名的4大景点;此外,腾冲还有很多未开发的世外桃源若你想细细品味腾冲,准备好一个星期的时间,基本可众走遍大大小小的景点。

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The original affordable panel from Tangent.

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Tangent Hub v1.5.2 Now Available

There’s a new version of the Tangent Hub available for download. The main points of this release are:
– Improved assignment for mouse emulation to a trackerball.
– Improved support for mouse emulation: Scroll and mouse speed. Reverse direction.

To download the new version go to your panel’s product page, click on the Application Support tab, select your application, and you’ll see the Tangent Hub in the list of downloads and documentation.

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